My Somatics

Creating Conditions for Biological Synchrony

creating the right conditions for a more meaningful life

About Marie Maughan

Marie Maughan

Somatic Practitioner, Teacher, Coach & Student
   Feldenkrais  Method® ​ ​ GCFP  Practitioner 
   Somatic Experiencing®​ ​ SEP    Practitioner 
   Organic  Intelligence®​  ​  OI  Coach

I'm a student and Practitioner of Somatic Education and have been practicing for twelve years. I've observed the blossoming of this healing arts field into a much gentler practice that based in self-organizing systems. And our innate capacity trends toward auto organization. 


I'd like to share the bounty of tools I've acquired in support of your journey of self-discovery, where you'll find clarity on living happier and healthier on your authentic walk in the world. 

I also support a broad range of Practitioners and Therapists and offer a connection space to help you experience what best suits your specific needs.

Can you sense what supportive messages your biology is sending you right now?